Tuesday, October 13, 2015

29 Example Sentences of "a person is"

Here are 29 examples "a person is" there used in a sentence.
  1. The way in which a person is framed in that shot has a specific meaning,
  2. Blood oxygen level is linked to serotonin also called the ' happiness hormone ' . Thus, a person is more likely to feel refreshed and relaxed in an open, green environment
  3. Work without pay is inappropriate in Denmark. One way it can be done is as part of a work-trial where a person is tested by the authorities in conjunction with putting the individual back into the workplace
  4. The term "privacy" means many things in different contexts. Different people, cultures, and nations have a wide variety of expectations about how much privacy a person is entitled to or what constitutes an invasion of privacy
  5. With the release of iOS 6, which was released on September 19, 2012, Apple added features that enable the user to have options to decline a phone call when a person is calling them. The user has the capability to reply with a message, or to set a reminder to call them back at a later time
  6. The Google Search Appliance is available in the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, parts of Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and South America. If a person is interested in using the Google Search Appliance in another region, they can deploy the Google Search Appliance at a location or data center in the US, Canada, or Europe
  7. Zone 1 does not normally exist. In normal health pulmonary arterial pressure exceeds alveolar pressure in all parts of the lung. It generally only exists when a person is ventilated with positive pressure. Blood vessels are completely collapsed by alveolar pressure and blood does not flow through these regions. They become alveolar dead space
  8. In organized crime, gang and prison slang to green-light a person is to authorize the assassination of this person. An example of this use of the word can be found in the 2008 film Felon spoken by Val Kilmer's character, John Smith. Another use occurs in the 2012 film End of Watch, where a gang member warns two police officers that they have been green-lit
  9. Surgical techniques, using a tube or catheter to drain fluid from the peritoneum, chest, or the pericardium around the heart, are often used in cases of severe blunt trauma to the chest or abdomen, especially when a person is experiencing early signs of shock. In those with low blood-pressure, likely because of bleeding in the abdominal cavity, cutting through the abdominal wall surgically is indicated
  10. An event relating to the oncoming of adulthood is coming of age, which encompasses passing a series of tests to demonstrate that a person is prepared for adulthood, or reaching a specified age, sometimes in conjunction with demonstrating preparation. Most modern societies determine legal adulthood based on reaching a legally specified age without requiring a demonstration of physical maturity or preparation for adulthood
  11. Human respiration rate is measured when a person is at rest and involves counting the number of breaths for one minute by counting how many times the chest rises. An optical breath rate sensor can be used for monitoring patients during a magnetic resonance imaging scan. Respiration rates may increase with fever, illness, or other medical conditions. When checking respiration, it is important to also note whether a person has any difficulty breathing
  12. One of the reasons Scientology doctrines portray Suppressive Persons as such a danger is that they are supposed to make people around them become Potential Trouble Sources. Scientology defines a PTS as "a person who is in some way connected to and being adversely affected by a suppressive person. Such a person is called a potential trouble source because he can be a lot of trouble to himself and to others." PTSs are said to make up 17.5% of the population
  13. A chest radiograph is frequently used in diagnosis. In people with mild disease, imaging is needed only in those with potential complications, those who have not improved with treatment, or those in which the cause in uncertain. If a person is sufficiently sick to require hospitalization, a chest radiograph is recommended. Findings do not always correlate with the severity of a disease and do not reliably distinguish between bacterial infection and viral infection
  14. Traditional arguments for incompatibilism are based on an "intuition pump": if a person is like other mechanical things that are determined in their behavior such as a wind-up toy, a billiard ball, a puppet, or a robot, then people must not have free will. This argument has been rejected by compatibilists such as Daniel Dennett on the grounds that, even if humans have something in common with these things, it remains possible and plausible that we are different from such objects in important ways
  15. Beside these three norns, there are many other norns who arrive when a person is born in order to determine his or her future. There were both malevolent and benevolent norns, and the former caused all the malevolent and tragic events in the world while the latter were kind and protective goddesses. Recent research has discussed the relation between the myths associated with norns and valkyries and traveling Völvas. The norns were thought to have visited newborn children in the pre-Christian Norse societies
  16. Most colorectal cancer occurs due to lifestyle and increasing age with only a minority of cases associated with underlying genetic disorders. It typically starts in the lining of the bowel and if left untreated, can grow into the muscle layers underneath, and then through the bowel wall. Screening is effective at decreasing the chance of dying from colorectal cancer and is recommended starting at the age of 50 and continuing until a person is 75 years old. Localized bowel cancer is usually diagnosed through sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy
  17. Eosinophilic pneumonia is divided into different categories depending upon whether a cause can be determined or not. Known causes include certain medications or environmental triggers, parasitic infections, and cancer. EP can also occur when the immune system attacks the lungs, a disease called Churg-Strauss syndrome. When a cause can not be found, the EP is labeled "idiopathic." Idiopathic EP can be divided into "acute eosinophilic pneumonia" and "chronic eosinophilic pneumonia" (CEP) depending on the symptoms a person is experiencing
  18. The human brain is not fully developed by the time a person reaches puberty. Between the ages of 10 and 25, the brain undergoes changes that have important implications for behavior. The brain reaches 90% of its adult size by the time a person is six years of age. Thus, the brain does not grow in size much during adolescence. However, the creases in the brain continue to become more complex until the late teens. The biggest changes in the folds of the brain during this time occur in the parts of the cortex that process cognitive and emotional information
  19. If investigations confirm NSCLC, the stage is assessed to determine whether the disease is localized and amenable to surgery or if it has spread to the point where it cannot be cured surgically. CT scan and positron emission tomography are used for this determination. If mediastinal lymph node involvement is suspected, mediastinoscopy may be used to sample the nodes and assist staging. Blood tests and pulmonary function testing are used to assess whether a person is well enough for surgery. If pulmonary function tests reveal poor respiratory reserve, surgery may not be a possibility
  20. Historically medical practitioners would expect a person to present with what is known as the classic triad of symptoms. This triad of symptoms includes: 1 hematuria which is when there is blood present in the urine. 2 Flank pain, which is pain on the side of the body between the hip and ribs. 3 An abdominal mass, similar to bloating but larger. It is now known that this classic triad of symptoms only occurs in 10-15% of cases, and can be indicative of the Renal cell carcinoma in an advanced stage. Today RCC is fairly asymptomatic (meaning little to no symptoms) and is generally detected incidentally when a person is being examined for other ailments
  21. Nationality also plays a role in how likely a person is to purchase a placed product. It has been found that Americans are more apt to purchase a product they saw placed in a movie compared to French and Austrian people. The ethnicity and age of a viewer also influences the effectiveness of product placement. According to an online survey of 3, 340 people, African Americans were more likely to either purchase or research a product after seeing it in a movie compared to Hispanic, Asian, and Caucasian movie watchers. The survey also found that younger people are more likely to purchase or research a product after seeing it in a movie. People ages 19–25 had the highest product engagement score out of all the age groups
  22. There are several measures used to quantify the burden imposed by diseases on people. The years of potential life lost is a simple estimate of the number of years that a person's life was shortened due to a disease. For example, if a person dies at the age of 65 from a disease, and would probably have lived until age 80 without that disease, then that disease has caused a loss of 15 years of potential life. YPLL measurements do not account for how disabled a person is before dying, so the measurement treats a person who dies suddenly and a person who died at the same age after decades of illness as equivalent. In 2004, the World Health Organization calculated that 932 million years of potential life were lost to premature death
  23. Courses in American universities are usually on a time restraint. Some courses are three weeks long, one semester long, last an academic year, and on some occasions three semesters long. A course is usually specific to the students ' major and is instructed by a professor. For example, if a person is taking an Organic Chemistry course, then the professor would teach the students Organic Chemistry and how it applies to their life and or major. Courses can also be referred to as "electives". An elective is usually not a required course, but there are a certain number of non-specific electives that are required for certain majors. For more information about the correlation between courses and electives, please see the electives page below
  24. Air pollution is a significant risk factor for multiple health conditions including respiratory infections, heart disease, and lung cancer, according to the WHO. The health effects caused by air pollution may include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing, asthma and aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions. These effects can result in increased medication use, increased doctor or emergency room visits, more hospital admissions and premature death. The human health effects of poor air quality are far reaching, but principally affect the body's respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. Individual reactions to air pollutants depend on the type of pollutant a person is exposed to, the degree of exposure, the individual's health status and genetics
  25. Rapid transportation of those who are severely injured is improves the outcome in trauma. If a person is in imminent danger of death, first responders will typically "load and go, " meaning they will minimize time between arriving to nearest appropriate facility by performing important interventions in the back of an ambulance, rather than on scene. Helicopter EMS transport reduces mortality when compared to ground based transport in adult trauma patients. Before arrival to the hospital, the availability of advanced life support does not greatly improve the outcome for major trauma, when compared to the administration of basic life support. Evidence is inconclusive in determining support for prehospital intravenous fluid resuscitation while some evidence has found it may be harmful
  26. Proxy consent may be transferred to a personal representative, a family member or a legally appointed guardian. Moreover, patients may be able to make, when they are considered well, an advance directive stipulating how they wish to be treated should they be deemed to lack mental capacity in future. The right to supported decision-making, where a person is helped to understand and choose treatment options before they can be declared to lack capacity, may also be included in legislation. There should at the very least be shared decision-making as far as possible. Involuntary treatment laws are increasingly extended to those living in the community, for example outpatient commitment laws (known by different names) are used in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom and most of the United States
  27. The recall of dreams is extremely unreliable, though it is a skill that can be trained. Dreams can usually be recalled if a person is awakened while dreaming. Women tend to have more frequent dream recall than men. Dreams that are difficult to recall may be characterized by relatively little affect, and factors such as salience, arousal, and interference play a role in dream recall. Often, a dream may be recalled upon viewing or hearing a random trigger or stimulus. The salience hypothesis proposes that dream content that is salient, that is, novel, intense, or unusual, is more easily remembered. There is considerable evidence that vivid, intense, or unusual dream content is more frequently recalled. A dream journal can be used to assist dream recall, for personal interest or psychotherapy purposes
  28. However, because the diaphragm is largely driven by the autonomous system, it is relatively spared of non-REM inhibition. As such, the suction pressures it generates stay the same. This narrows the upper airway during sleep, increasing resistance and making airflow through the upper airway turbulent and noisy. For example, one way to determine whether a person is sleeping is to listen to their breathing - once the person falls asleep, their breathing becomes noticeably louder. Not surprisingly, the increased tendency of the upper airway to collapse during breathing in sleep can lead to snoring, a vibration of the tissues in the upper airway. This problem is exacerbated in overweight people when sleeping on the back, as extra fat tissue may weigh down on the airway, closing it. This can lead to sleep apnea
  29. Whether a person is field dependent or field independent can impact effectiveness. A person who is field independent is someone who is "better able to separate a stimulus from its embedding contexts" and as a result are better at noticing product placements in film. A person who is field dependent (FD) has a hard time viewing an object and its context or background as different entities and has "more difficulties differentiating between relevant and irrelevant information compared with FI individuals." Research shows that field independent people notice product placements significantly more than the field dependent people. Because of this, field independent people were better at brand recall. Additionally, field dependent people tend to like placed brands more than field independent people due to the fact that field independent people were more aware that the intention of the product placement was to get them to buy the product

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