Tuesday, October 13, 2015

18 Example Sentences of "they are the"

Here are 18 examples "they are the" there used in a sentence.
  1. The Old Norse wording of the ' creation of the Dvergar ' - whether they are the ones being created or the ones creating - is as follows
  2. Mr. Hot Shot: Hot Shot's are in their 30-40s, and they are the "coolest" customers in the game. They are patient in line, but become impatient at the table. First appearance
  3. In representational acting, "actors want to make us ' believe ' they are the character; they pretend." The illusion of the fourth wall with the audience as voyeurs is striven for
  4. The competition for public universities is very large, as they are the most prestigious and respected universities in Brazil. Public universities do not charge fees for any level / course. Funding, similar to wages, is available but is usually granted by public agencies linked to the University in question
  5. Criteria air contaminants, or criteria pollutants, are a set of air pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, and other health hazards. CACs are typically emitted from many sources in industry, mining, transportation, electricity generation and agriculture. In most cases they are the products of the combustion of fossil fuels or industrial processes
  6. The Upanishads are largely philosophical works in dialog form. They discuss questions of nature philosophy and the fate of the soul, and contain some mystic and spiritual interpretations of the Vedas. For long, they have been regarded as their putative end and essence, and are thus known as Vedānta. Taken together, they are the basis of the Vedanta school
  7. A very important problem in dating the churches is that the solid ground sills are the construction elements most likely to have the outer parts of the log still preserved. Yet they are the most susceptible to humidity, and as people back then reused building parts, the church may have been rebuilt several times. If so, a dendrochronological dating may be based upon a log from a later reconstruction
  8. Several other less mainstream genres were created in this decade. Looking Glass Studios ' Thief: The Dark Project and its sequel were the first to coin the term "first person sneaker", although it is questionable whether they are the first "first person stealth" games. Turn-based strategy progressed further, with the Heroes of Might and Magic series luring many mainstream gamers into this complex genre
  9. Lacan identifies four partial drives: the oral drive, the anal drive (the anus and the faeces), the scopic drive (the eyes and the gaze) and the invocatory drive (the ears and the voice) . The first two relate to demand and the last two to desire. If the drives are closely related to desire, they are the partial aspects in which desire is realized—desire is one and undivided, whereas the drives are its partial manifestations
  10. Both Atlakviða and Grímnismál are often considered to be among the oldest extant Eddic poems. It may not be a coincidence that they are the only ones to refer to Ullr. Again we seem to find Ullr associated with some sort of ceremony, this time that of swearing an oath by a ring, a practice associated with Thor in later sources. During an excavation in 2007, of a Vendel era shrine for Ullr north of Stockholm, many symbolic rings were discovered, which are considered to represent Ullr's ring
  11. One-day track and field meetings form the most common and seasonal aspect of the sport – they are the most basic level of track and field competition. Meetings are generally organised annually either under the patronage of an educational institution or sports club, or by a group or business that serves as the meeting promoter. In the case of the former, athletes are selected to represent their club or institution. In the case of privately run or independent meetings, athletes participate on an invitation-only basis
  12. The large quantities possessed by the Lady Managers made their way into the market through dealers and other vendors in the 1920s. By 1930, prices had risen to the original issue price; by 1955, uncirculated specimens sold for $20. The pieces are popular among collectors because they are the only U.S. quarter dollars issued strictly as a commemorative, not for circulation. The 2014 edition of R.S. Yeoman's A Guide Book of United States Coins lists the piece as ranging between $450 in almost uncirculated AU-50 on the Sheldon coin grading scale and $6, 000 in near-pristine MS-66
  13. In his original theory of 1941, Kolmogorov postulated that for very high Reynolds numbers, the small scale turbulent motions are statistically isotropic. In general, the large scales of a flow are not isotropic, since they are determined by the particular geometrical features of the boundaries (the size characterizing the large scales will be denoted as L) . Kolmogorov's idea was that in the Richardson's energy cascade this geometrical and directional information is lost, while the scale is reduced, so that the statistics of the small scales has a universal character: they are the same for all turbulent flows when the Reynolds number is sufficiently high
  14. Defensive midfielders require good positional sense, work rate, tackling ability, and anticipation to excel. They also need to possess good passing skills and close control to hold the ball in midfield under sustained pressure. Most importantly, defensive midfielders require great stamina as they are the onfield players who cover the greatest distance during a professional football match. In a typical Premier League football match, a midfielder may cover up to 12 kilometres for a full 90-minute game. Deep-lying playmakers typically require a good first touch under opposition pressure and the ability to play long crossfield passes to attacking players further upfield
  15. Locke also wrote that "the little and almost insensible impressions on our tender infancies have very important and lasting consequences." He argued that the "associations of ideas" that one makes when young are more important than those made later because they are the foundation of the self: they are, put differently, what first mark the tabula rasa. In his Essay, in which is introduced both of these concepts, Locke warns against, for example, letting "a foolish maid" convince a child that "goblins and sprites" are associated with the night for "darkness shall ever afterwards bring with it those frightful ideas, and they shall be so joined, that he can no more bear the one than the other."
  16. Silas was born to Geni and Alberto Pereira in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. He has a twin brother, Paulo Antonio, they are the youngest in a family of nine. Geni, their mother died when the boys were only three years old. The oldest sister Raquel Pereira Carvalho, a lawyer, took them under her wing and raised them. The Pereira family is well known in the city of Campinas. The nine of them are all married, and each have at least two children. Paulo Silas has three: Nathan, Carole, and Calebi. After living in Japan, the family moved back to Brazil where Paulo Silas is coaching a professional soccer team. His son Nathan Grippe Pereira, hopes to follow in his father's foot steps and become a professional soccer player
  17. Structural steel and reinforced concrete are not always chosen solely because they are the most ideal material for the structure. Companies rely on the ability to turn a profit for any construction project, as do the designers. The price of raw materials, etc., is constantly changing. If a structure could be constructed using either material, the cheapest of the two will likely control. Another significant variable is the location of the project. The closest steel fabrication facility may be much further from the construction site than the nearest concrete supplier. The high cost of energy and transportation will control the selection of the material as well. All of these costs will be taken into consideration before the conceptual design of a construction project is begun
  18. Most living things that are visible to the naked eye in their adult form are eukaryotes, including humans. However, a large number of eukaryotes are also microorganisms. Unlike bacteria and archaea, eukaryotes contain organelles such as the cell nucleus, the Golgi apparatus and mitochondria in their cells. The nucleus is an organelle that houses the DNA that makes up a cell's genome. DNA itself is arranged in complex chromosomes. Mitochondria are organelles vital in metabolism as they are the site of the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. They evolved from symbiotic bacteria and retain a remnant genome. Like bacteria, plant cells have cell walls, and contain organelles such as chloroplasts in addition to the organelles in other eukaryotes. Chloroplasts produce energy from light by photosynthesis, and were also originally symbiotic bacteria

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