Saturday, November 7, 2015

31 Example Sentences of "bank of the"

Here are 31 examples "bank of the" there used in a sentence.
  1. In earlier times the Breisgau was known as Breisachgau, meaning the shire around the town of Breisach on the east bank of the Rhine
  2. Cambridge Terrace, a road in Christchurch, New Zealand is named after the University. It runs for much of its length along the left bank of the city's Avon River
  3. The Janiculum may have been inhabited by people who were not Latin but had close alliances with Rome. The right bank of the Tiber would constitute a typical, convenient, commodious landing place for boats and the cult of Janus would have been double insofar as amphibious
  4. The monument to Christ the King stands on the southern bank of the Tagus River, in Almada. With open arms, overlooking the whole city, it resembles the Corcovado monument in Rio de Janeiro, and was built after World War II, as a memorial of thanksgiving for Portugal's being spared the horrors and destruction of the war
  5. Prussia first set foot on the Rhine in 1609 by the occupation of the Duchy of Cleves and about a century later Upper Guelders and Moers also became Prussian. At the peace of Basel in 1795 the whole of the left bank of the Rhine was resigned to France, and in 1806 the Rhenish princes all joined the Confederation of the Rhine
  6. The Danube campaign opened when the Russians occupied the Danubian Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia in May 1853, bringing their forces to the north bank of the river Danube. In response, the Ottoman Empire also moved their forces up to the river. This established strongholds at Vidin in the west, and Silistra, which was located in the east, near the mouth of the Danube
  7. The earliest known inhabitants from about 400 A.D. were members of the Hopewell tradition who buried their dead in mounds on the bluffs above the river. The next known inhabitants were the Mdewakanton Dakota in the 17th century who fled their ancestral home of Mille Lacs Lake in central Minnesota in response to westward expansion of the Ojibwe nation. The Ojibwe would later occupy the north (east) bank of the Mississippi River
  8. At the earliest historical period, the territories between the Ardennes and the Rhine were occupied by the Treveri, the Eburones and other Celtic tribes, who, however, were all more or less modified and influenced by their Germanic neighbours. On the right bank of the Rhine, between the Main and the Lahn, were the settlements of the Mattiaci, a branch of the Germanic Chatti, while farther to the north were the Usipetes and Tencteri
  9. The First French Republic, starting from a position precariously near occupation and collapse, had defeated all its enemies and produced a revolutionary army that would take the other powers years to emulate. With the conquest of the left bank of the Rhine and domination of the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Italy, the Republic had achieved nearly all the territorial goals that had eluded the Valois and Bourbon monarchs for centuries
  10. The Lisbon region is the wealthiest region in Portugal and it is well above the European Union's GDP per capita average – it produces 45% of the Portuguese GDP. Lisbon's economy is based primarily on the tertiary sector. Most of the headquarters of multinationals operating in Portugal are concentrated in the Grande Lisboa Subregion, specially in the Oeiras municipality. The Lisbon Metropolitan Area is heavily industrialized, especially the south bank of the Tagus river
  11. The Syrian city of Dura-Europos on the West bank of the Euphrates was an outpost town between the Roman and Parthian empires. During a siege by Parthian troops in AD 257, the buildings in the outermost blocks of the city grid were partially destroyed and filled with rubble to reinforce the city wall. Thus were preserved and securely dated an early decorated church and a synagogue decorated with extensive wall paintings. Both had been converted from earlier private buildings
  12. Low periods of the Nile during the 11th century continued to add to the landscape of Cairo; a new island, known as Geziret al-Fil, first appeared in 1174, but eventually became connected to the mainland. Today, the site of Geziret al-Fil is occupied by the Shubra district. The low periods created another island at the turn of the 14th century that now composes Zamalek and Gezira. Land reclamation efforts by the Mamluks and Ottomans further contributed to expansion on the east bank of the river
  13. On 3 September, Masséna attacked 1, 500 of Vukassovich's troops near Ala and drove them back to Marco on the east bank of the Adige. Vukassovich tried to warn Davidovich, but his superior was away at a conference with Würmser in Trento. Vaubois brushed aside some elements of Reuss's brigade at Nago-Torbole and stood poised to attack an Austrian position at Mori on the west bank. Meanwhile, Würmser became aware of the French threat to Trento, but he nevertheless pursued his strategy of moving via the Brenta valley
  14. Alsace is located on France's eastern border and on the west bank of the upper Rhine adjacent to Germany and Switzerland. Historical decisions, wars, and strategic politics have resulted in Alsace being administered separately as its own "region" within the Republic of France. The political, economic and cultural capital as well as largest city of Alsace is Strasbourg. Because that city is the seat of dozens of international organizations and bodies, Alsace is politically one of the two important regions in the European Union
  15. Before quitting the area, the Austrian commander reinforced Mantua with two brigades under GM Ferdinand Minckwitz and GM Leberecht Spiegel, sent in much-needed food and evacuated the sick. Wurmser then retreated up the east bank of the Adige to Trento. Bonaparte invested Mantua again. But, without siege guns, he could only blockade the place and hope to starve it into surrender. In the campaign, the French lost 6, 000 killed and wounded, plus 4, 000 men and their siege train captured. Total Austrian casualties numbered 16, 700
  16. After seizing the Netherlands in a surprise winter attack France established the Batavian Republic as a puppet state. Now Prussia and Spain, and then Hessen-Kassel, each decided to make a separate peace. In the three parts of the 1795 Peace of Basel Prussia secretly ceded the left bank of the Rhine to France; Spain withdrew from the War of the Pyrenees—freeing French armies from the Pyrenees front—and ceded the eastern two thirds of Hispaniola. This ended the main crisis phase of the Revolution and France proper was free from invasion for many years
  17. Under the Romans, the city was incorporated into the Roman province of Hispania Tarraconensis, and was a place of considerable importance, historically as well as geographically. It stood upon an eminence, on the right bank of the river Sicoris (the modern Segre), the principal tributary of the Ebre, and some distance above its confluence with the Cinga (modern Cinca) ; thus commanding the country between those rivers, as well as the great road from Tarraco (modern Tarragona), the provincial capital, to the northwest of Spain, which here crossed the Sicoris
  18. Like most metropolitan cities, Lisbon is surrounded by many satellite cities or suburbs, and it is estimated that more than one million people enter Lisbon every day for business or employment from these communities. Cascais and Estoril are among the most vibrant neighbouring towns for night life. Beautiful palaces, landscapes and historical sites can be found in Sintra and Mafra. Other major municipalities around Lisbon include Amadora, Oeiras, Odivelas, Loures, Vila Franca de Xira and, in the south bank of the Tagus river estuary, Almada, Barreiro and Seixal
  19. Wurmser devised a four-column plan of attack. He retained direct control over the two central columns. Leading the Right-Center Column, Michael von Melas struck south with 14, 000 soldiers down the west bank of the Adige. Paul Davidovich led the 10, 000 men of the Left-Center (3rd) Column down the east bank. Operating west of Lake Garda, Peter Quasdanovich commanded the Right (1st) Column's 18, 000 men. Johann Mészáros von Szoboszló lay at Vicenza, with the 5, 000 troops of the Left (4th) Column. His orders were to occupy Verona and Legnago as soon as the French evacuated the two cities
  20. Saint Paul is the capital and second-most populous city of the U.S. state of Minnesota. The city's population at the 2010 census was 285, 068. Saint Paul is the county seat of Ramsey County, the smallest and most densely populated county in Minnesota. The city lies mostly on the east bank of the Mississippi River in the area surrounding its point of confluence with the Minnesota River, and adjoins Minneapolis, the state's largest city. Known as the "Twin Cities, " these two cities form the core of Minneapolis–Saint Paul, the 16th-largest metropolitan area in the United States, with about 3.3 million residents
  21. Both Alsatian and Standard German were for a time banned from public life. Though the ban has long been lifted, Alsace-Lorraine is today very French in language and culture. Few young people speak Alsatian today, although there do still exist one or two enclaves in the Sundgau region where some older inhabitants do not speak French, and where Alsatian is still used as the mother tongue. The closely related Alemannic German survives on the opposite bank of the Rhine, in Baden, and especially in Switzerland. However, while French is the major language of the region, the Alsatian dialect of French is heavily influenced by German, in phonology and vocabulary
  22. The Austrians distributed 124, 000 soldiers in an arc from Würzburg in the north to Innsbruck in the south. Feldmarschal-Leutnant Joseph-Sebastien von Simbschen held Würzburg with 12, 000 troops. FML Johann von Klenau and 14, 000 soldiers defended the north bank of the Danube near Regensburg. Archduke John's main army, with 49, 000 infantry and 16, 500 cavalry, lay behind the Inn River near Braunau am Inn and Passau. Lieutenant General Christian Zweibrücken's 16, 000 Bavarians, Württembergers, Austrians, and French Émigrés lay to the southwest of the main army, guarding the line of the Inn. Farther to the southwest, FML Johann von Hiller occupied Innsbruck with 16, 000 troops
  23. Bilbao was one of the first towns that were founded in the fourteenth century, during a period in which approximately 70% of the Biscayan municipalities were developed, among them Portugalete in 1323, Ondarroa in 1327, Lekeitio in 1335, and Mungia and Larrabetzu in 1376. The then lord of Biscay, Diego López V of Haro, founded Bilbao through a municipal charter dated in Valladolid on June 15, 1300 and confirmed by king Ferdinand IV of Castile in Burgos, on January 4, 1301. Diego López established the new town on the right bank of the Nervión river, on grounds of the elizate of Begoña and granted it the fuero of Logroño, a compilation of rights and privileges that would prove fundamental to its later development
  24. After capturing the detachment at Legnago on 13 September, Bonaparte appeared before Mantua. On 15 September, Wurmser awaited the French on the east bank of the Mincio River in line of battle, with his right flank on the San Giorgio suburb and his left on La Favorita Palace. The Austrian left wing under Ott held off Sahuguet's attacks all day. But the Austrian line gave way before the attacks of Masséna on the center and General of Brigade Louis André Bon on the right. The French succeeded in capturing the San Giorgio suburb and driving the Austrians into Mantua. During this fight, 2, 500 Austrians became casualties and 11 cannon and 3 colors were captured. The French lost 1, 500 killed and wounded, plus 9 guns captured
  25. After forcing the Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont to sue for peace at the end of the Montenotte Campaign, Bonaparte turned on the Austrians, who retreated to the north bank of the Po. The French army commander ordered General of Division Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier to launch a pinning attack on Beaulieu's positions near Valenza. Forming an advance guard of 3, 500 grenadiers and 1, 500 cavalry, Bonaparte placed it under General of Brigade Claude Dallemagne. Then he sent Dallemagne on a rapid march to the east along the south bank of the Po. The advance guard was followed by General of Division Amédée Emmanuel François Laharpe's division. Bonaparte intended to turn the Austrian left flank by crossing the Po near Piacenza
  26. To counter the Austrians, the French fielded an even larger array of forces. From Frankfurt am Main, General of Division Pierre Augereau and 16, 000 troops threatened Simbschen's northern wing. MG Jean Moreau controlled 107, 000 of the main army, deployed in four wings. MG Gilbert Bruneteau de Saint-Suzanne's 24, 000-strong detached force occupied the north bank of the Danube near Ingolstadt, MG Grenier's 24, 000-man Left Wing deployed on the west bank of the Isar River near Landshut. Moreau massed the 36, 000 soldiers of the Center around Munich under his personal control. The Right Wing of MG Claude Lecourbe defended the line of the upper Lech River farther west. Lastly, MG Jacques MacDonald with the 18, 000-strong Army of the Grisons menaced Hiller's force from Switzerland
  27. Northern and extreme eastern parts of Cairo, which include satellite towns, are among the most recent additions to the city, as they developed in the late-20th and early-21st centuries to accommodate the city's rapid growth. The western bank of the Nile is commonly included within the urban area of Cairo, but it composes the city of Giza and the Giza Governorate. Giza has also undergone significant expansion over recent years, and today the city, although still a suburb of Cairo, has a population of 2.7 million. The Cairo Governorate was just north of the Helwan Governorate from 2008 when some Cairo's southern districts, including Maadi and New Cairo, were split off and annexed into the new governorate, to 2011 when the Helwan Governorate was reincorporated into the Cairo Governorate
  28. On 8 September, 20, 000 French soldiers fell upon Wurmser from the north. First, they attacked the 3, 800-man Austrian rearguard under FML Peter Quasdanovich and General-Major Adam Bajalics. Bonaparte sent Masséna down the west bank of the Brenta and Augereau down the east bank. Overwhelmed by repeated attacks and pursued by Colonel Joachim Murat's cavalry, the rearguard collapsed and Bajalics was captured. Wurmser deployed one brigade on the west bank, a second brigade on the east bank, and a third in Bassano. Colonel Jean Lannes led a successful charge which broke the Austrian lines and burst into the town. Quasdanovich later assumed command over the defeated Austrians who retreated east, but 3, 500 soldiers of FML Karl Sebottendorf's division fell back to the south with their army commander
  29. The area around present-day Cairo, especially Memphis, had long been a focal point of Ancient Egypt due to its strategic location just upstream from the Nile Delta. However, the origins of the modern city is generally traced back to a series of settlements in the first millennium. Around the turn of the 4th century, as Memphis was continuing to decline in importance, the Romans established a fortress town along the east bank of the Nile. This fortress, known as Babylon, remains the oldest structure in the city. It is also situated at the nucleus of the Coptic Orthodox community, which separated from the Roman and Byzantine church in the late 4th century. Many of Cairo's oldest Coptic churches, including the Hanging Church, are located along the fortress walls in a section of the city known as Coptic Cairo
  30. The Battle of Marengo was the victory that sealed the success of Napoleon's Italian campaign of 1800 and is best understood in the context of that campaign. By a daring crossing of the Alps with his Army of the Reserve in mid-May 1800 almost before the passes were open, Napoleon (who crossed on a mule) had threatened Melas's lines of communications in northern Italy. The French army then seized Milan on 2 June, followed by Pavia, Piacenza and Stradella, Lombardy, cutting the main Austrian supply route eastward along the south bank of the Po river. Napoleon hoped that Melas's preoccupation with the Siege of Genoa, held by General André Masséna, would prevent the Austrians from responding to his offensive. However, Genoa surrendered on June 4, freeing a large number of Austrians for operations against the French
  31. On 31 July, Bonaparte retreated to the west bank of the Mincio and began concentrating against Quasdanovich. That evening Napoleon ordered Sérurier to lift the siege of Mantua. From 31 July through 2 August, a complex series of operations occurred in the area of Brescia, Montichiari, Gavardo, Lonato del Garda and Salò. Bonaparte concentrated Augereau, Masséna, Despinoy, and Kilmaine and recaptured Brescia on 1 August, clearing his supply line to the west. Meanwhile, Wurmser dropped off a force under General-major Adam Bajalics von Bajahaza to lay siege to Peschiera. His center columns reached Mantua where they spent time demolishing the French siege lines and dragging the abandoned siege guns into the city. Bonaparte nearly ordered a retreat to the west, but when he realised Wurmser was not quickly following up his success, he decided to fight it out. Mészáros finally occupied Legnago on 1 August

27 Example Sentences of "as he was"

Here are 27 examples "as he was" there used in a sentence.
  1. Owen as he was excluded from World Cup qualifiers against Andorra, Croatia, Kazakhstan and Belarus despite at times being in good goalscoring form and having a good workrate in a poor Newcastle side
  2. Having started out professionally with Clube Atlético Paranaense and Democrata Futebol Clube, Evaldo moved to Europe in 2003, as he was purchased by Futebol Clube do Porto in Portugal. He spent most of his only season with the club's reserves
  3. Jack presented him with his BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award on 14 December 2008. He said that he was ' knocked out ' as he was presented the award by his brother. He received a standing ovation as he stood waiting for his prize
  4. Gene Venzke had a long career, placing in the top five at the national outdoor championships ten times between 1930 and 1940. His greatest successes, however, came indoors, as he was national champion in 1932, 1933 and 1936 and also set a number of world records
  5. Due to their win of the 1962 scudetto, AC Milan qualified for the European Cup in 1962, a European Cup which they finally won, beating Benfica 2–1 in the final with Rivera in great form as he was awarded second place in the famous Ballon d ' Or award, which was won by the Russian goalkeeper Lev Yashin
  6. After that stellar 1987, Madjer won the Ballon d ' or Africain, but was not allowed to compete for the European Golden Ball as he was not born in the region. He subsequently signed for La Liga's Valencia CF in July, but lasted only a few months with the Che, returning to Porto for a further three 1 / 2 seasons
  7. On 1 June 2011, Van Nistelrooy arrived at Málaga CF to sign a one-year contract with the La Liga club on a free transfer. After joining the club, Van Nistelrooy was presented at the La Rosaleda Stadium as he was welcomed by 15, 000 Malaga fans. Van Nistelrooy made his debut in a 2–1 loss against Sevilla on the opening game of the season
  8. Rivera led AC Milan to two Cup Winners ' Cup finals, one in 1973 and another in 1974; the first one was won and the second lost. With the Rossoneri, he also won two consecutive Italian titles, in 1972 and 1973. AC Milan also won several Italian Cups in the 70's but were missing Rivera in most of them, as he was banned because of his statements against Italian referees
  9. His team mate in Real Madrid, Raúl has in an interview in April 2006 called Laudrup the best player he has ever played with. His team mate in Barcelona, Romário has stated the same and added that Laudrup in his opinion is the fifth best player in the history of the game as he was able to create and score goals almost at will. Laudrup was known as a gentleman on the pitch and never received a red card
  10. His second game was against Colombia, in which he won a penalty that Crespo converted to tie the game at 1–1. He also played a part in Argentina's second goal as he was fouled outside the box, which allowed Juan Roman Riquelme to score from a freekick, and increase Argentina's lead to 3–1. The final score of the game was 4–2 in Argentina's favor and guaranteed them a spot in the tournament's quarterfinals
  11. In 2003 Salas was loaned back to River Plate but was unable to regain his old form as he was still hampered by injuries. Constantly in and out of the lineup and only able to score 17 goals in 43 matches Salas considered retiring from football, but decided he would make one final push with River. His return would spark River to a semi-final appearance in the Copa Libertadores but they lost to eventual champions Sao-Paulo
  12. Rivaldo had been the centre of criticism when Brazil did not win tournaments, ever since the 1996 Olympics, as he was said to be saving his best form for his club team. During the 2002 World Cup qualifying games, Brazil's poor form saw the team being booed by the Brazilian crowds, and in the 1–0 win against Colombia in November 2000, Rivaldo was booed so heavily that he threatened to retire from playing for his country
  13. Robben did not make his competitive debut for Chelsea until November 2004, as he was injured in a pre-season friendly match against Roma, breaking a metatarsal bone in his right foot in a challenge from Olivier Dacourt. During this time, he told club doctors that he had noticed an unfamiliar growth on one of his testicles. The medical team quickly did tests to check for testicular cancer, but he was subsequently given the all clear
  14. Stephens is a self-described "elementary school dropout", as he was homeschooled with emphasis on real for the majority of his childhood. He briefly attended Hendrix College. While there, Stephens had a night-long discussion with a friend regarding the disconnect between the theoretical subject matter taught in college and its real world applications. This discussion would become the basis for UnCollege, which Stephens founded in 2010
  15. Buffon did not play for the first half of the 2010–11 Serie A season as he was recovering from surgery from an injury from the World Cup. His new deputy, Marco Storari, replaced him throughout the injury. Juventus were knocked out of the Europa League group stage with 6 draws, the Coppa Italia in the quarter finals and finished the Serie A season in seventh place, failing to qualify for Europe for the first time since the 1990–91 Season
  16. Sam Allardyce was named as assistant manager to Brian Talbot at West Bromwich Albion in February 1989—ironic as he was a supporter of Wolverhampton Wanderers, one of Albion's fiercest rivals. On the playing side, Allardyce appeared in only one game for Albion, coming on as a substitute against Newcastle United in November 1989. His spell at the Hawthorns lasted two years before he and Talbot were sacked as the club slid towards relegation to the Third Division for the first time in their history
  17. In 1967, while on a tour of Czechoslovakia with Port Vale, Matthews met 40-year-old Mila, who was the group's interpreter for the trip. Matthews was still married to Betty, but as he was convinced he had found the true love of his life in Mila, he and Betty divorced. He and Mila spent the ensuing years living at various times in Malta, South Africa and Canada. They also travelled extensively as Matthews's coaching jobs and guest appearances dictated. After Mila died in 1999 at the age of 71, according to Les Scott, Matthews "was never the same person"
  18. Alonso and Arteta were ambitious and dreamed of playing alongside each other for Real Sociedad when they were older. Though they attended different schools, the two young players joined forces at the local youth side Antiguoko, playing games at the weekend. Their performances attracted the attention of scouts from top Spanish sides and the young Donostiarras separated ways, ending nine years of friendly rivalry, as Alonso went to Real Sociedad and Arteta moved to Catalan giants Barcelona. Alonso's move to Real Sociedad, however, was not a companionless one as he was joined by his older brother Mikel, who had also become an adept player
  19. The 1999–2000 season started badly for Guti: struggling with the responsibility of replacing Clarence Seedorf, he was sent off for kicking a fallen adversary. This negative trait was often recurrent in his career, as he was shown his marching orders eight times during his career in the league alone. In the campaign, in which he also captured the Champions League, he scored six goals in 28 games; the following year he had his best individual season, netting 14 goals and playing most of the season as a striker, due to injuries to Fernando Morientes, and contributing greatly to the team's 27th league title, and subsequently another domestic Supercup
  20. In the early 1970s Roxon's profile expanded and she became more widely known for her feminist stance. She wrote a groundbreaking and highly personal report about the August 1970 women's rights march in New York, which was published in The Sydney Morning Herald under the title "There is a tide in the affairs of women". She wrote a regular column on sex and sexuality for Mademoiselle magazine and during 1971 she hosted a rock radio show that was syndicated to 250 stations. She met and became friends with David Bowie and his first wife Angie on Bowie's first tour of the USA in late 1972 and was a major champion of Bowie's music in the American press as he was trying to break into America
  21. Chaplin founded a new production company, Attica, for the film and rented a studio from Shepperton Studios for the shooting. Filming in England proved a difficult experience, as he was used to his own Hollywood studio and familiar crew, and no longer had limitless production time.[note 26] According to Robinson, this had an effect on the quality of the film. A King in New York was released in September 1957, and received mixed reviews. Chaplin decided not to release the film in the United States, which severely limited its revenue, but it achieved moderate commercial success in Europe. He also banned American journalists from its Paris premiere. A King in New York was not shown in America until 1973
  22. Souness also claims Liverpool chief executive Peter Robinson at the time had warned him this was a Liverpool team in decline and that they only had one player who was still great, John Barnes. Souness was left disappointed by Barnes as he was at this time frequently suffering from injuries, and in particular suffered a ruptured achilles tendon which was to eventually affect his acceleration therefore affecting his playing style, and not giving Souness what he wanted from a vintage Barnes at his peak, which was what he saw as a "devastating winger with pace and goalscoring touch." He had also claimed that Barnes was once the "best player in Britain" but unfortunately only saw flashes of his brilliance
  23. Chaplin continued being a controversial figure throughout the 1950s, especially as he was awarded the International Peace Prize by the communist World Peace Council and lunched with Zhou Enlai in 1954, and when he briefly met Nikita Khrushchev in 1956. He abandoned his plans for retirement, and began developing his first European film, A King in New York, in 1954. The film is a political satire, that parodies HUAC and attacks elements of 1950s culture – including consumerism, plastic surgery, wide-screen cinema, and rock-and-roll music. Its protagonist is an exiled king, played by Chaplin, who seeks asylum in New York. Chaplin included several of his real-life experiences in the film, and cast his son, Michael, to play an intelligent boy whose parents are targeted by the FBI. In a review, playwright John Osborne called it Chaplin's "most bitter" and "most openly personal" film
  24. Partly due to Chaplin's complete control over the production of his films, Stephen M. Weissman has also seen them as containing autobiographical elements. This was already noted by Chaplin's contemporaries, such as Sigmund Freud, who thought that Chaplin "always plays only himself as he was in his dismal youth", and by some of his collaborators, such as actress Claire Bloom, who starred in Limelight. For example The Kid is thought to reflect Chaplin's own childhood trauma of being sent into an orphanage and the main characters in Limelight are thought to contain elements from the lives of his parents. Many of his sets, especially in street scenes, bear a strong similarity to Kennington, where he grew up. Weissman has also argued that Chaplin's problematic relationship to his mentally ill mother was often reflected on the female characters in his films and the Tramp's desire to save them
  25. His first employment in 1926 was as a petrographer with the Maracaibo laboratory. He worked in this capacity for Lago Petroleum Corporation, a Venezuelan subsidiary of Standard Oil. In June 1926, he travelled to Maracaibo, his first business trip outside the United States. He wrote letters to his mother every other day as he was very close to his family. Fond of travel, he went on tours almost every week. When in the Misoa River area, on the eastern part of Lake Maracaibo, he almost lost his life in a flash flood in the Ryan River during an intense rainstorm. Based on his field investigations during this period he propounded the theory that correlation and dating of rocks could be undertaken without the help of fossils which he documented in a paper titled "Some Aspects of Sedimentary Petrography in Relation to Stratigraphy in the Bolivar Coast Fields of the Maracaibo Basin, Venezuela" "
  26. Law was then offered a contract by Manchester City manager Johnny Hart, scoring two goals on his debut against Birmingham City in the opening game of the season 1973–74. He made 27 full appearances and two as substitute in that season, including City's 2–1 defeat in the League Cup final against Wolves. In City's last game of the 1973–74 season against Manchester United at Old Trafford, Law's 81st-minute back-heeled goal gave City a 1–0 win but, thinking his goal had relegated United, he did not celebrate it. It turned out they would have been relegated whatever the result, but Law did not know this at the time and walked off the pitch with his head down as he was substituted immediately afterwards. A pitch invasion by Manchester United fans followed, forcing the referee to abandon the game in the 85th minute. After a review, the Football League decided that the result should stand
  27. Sakuraba was then scheduled to compete in Hero's Light Heavyweight Tournament. His first opponent was the 16–5 Lithuanian Kęstutis Smirnovas. Sakuraba opened the fight striking aggressively and even flooring Smirnovas with a kick. However, as he was coming in to follow up, Smirnovas caught Sakuraba cleanly, knocking him down to his knees and hands. Sakuraba then turned over, sliding beneath the bottom rope, where Smirnovas unleashed repeated blows to his head. Sakuraba seemed at this point unable to defend himself; when the referee stepped between the two fighters, it seemed likely he was moving to put an end to the contest. However, instead of halting the battle, the referee re-positioned the fighters from underneath the bottom rope into the ring and resumed the bout. Though the restarting of fighters who have found themselves near or outside the ropes is common practice, it was nonetheless controversial

25 Example Sentences of "as an alternative"

Here are 25 examples "as an alternative" there used in a sentence.
  1. The variant spelling lense is sometimes seen. While it is listed as an alternative spelling in some dictionaries, most mainstream dictionaries do not list it as acceptable
  2. Signet rings are also used as souvenir or membership attribute, e.g. class ring, as an alternative to one with a stone. One may also have their initials engraved as a sign of their personal stature
  3. Advances in high resolution ultrasound scanning have enabled surveillance of metastatic burden to the sentinel lymph nodes. The Screening and Surveillance of Ultrasound in Melanoma trial is evaluating ultrasound as an alternative to invasive surgical methods
  4. Front Row was first unveiled on October 12, 2005 with the new iMac G5. The software was billed as an alternative interface for playing and running iPhoto, DVD Player, and iTunes (Internet radio stations could play by adding the station into a playlist in iTunes)
  5. Ozone is used as an alternative to chlorine or chlorine dioxide in the bleaching of wood pulp. It is often used in conjunction with oxygen and hydrogen peroxide to eliminate the need for chlorine-containing compounds in the manufacture of high-quality, white paper
  6. Motion is a motion graphics and compositing application similar in some ways to After Effects and Nuke. With version 3, Apple added 3D compositing, vector paint, and motion tracking to Motion's toolbox. This added power, plus the GPU accelerated nature of Motion, allows it to be seen as an alternative to those packages for titling and simple animation projects
  7. A derivative of solid biofuel is biochar, which is produced by biomass pyrolysis. Biochar made from agricultural waste can substitute for wood charcoal. As wood stock becomes scarce, this alternative is gaining ground. In eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, for example, biomass briquettes are being marketed as an alternative to charcoal to protect Virunga National Park from deforestation associated with charcoal production
  8. AMD64 was created as an alternative to the radically different IA-64 architecture, which was designed by Intel and Hewlett Packard. Originally announced in 1999 with a full specification in August 2000, the AMD64 architecture was positioned by AMD from the beginning as an evolutionary way to add 64-bit computing capabilities to the existing x86 architecture, as opposed to Intel's approach of creating an entirely new 64-bit architecture with IA-64
  9. In the United Kingdom, School refers to a private school that provides a learner centered informal education as an alternative to the regimen of traditional education in the United Kingdom. There's a long tradition of such schools which includes Summerhill, the founder of which, A. S. Neill, greatly influenced the spread of such schools, Dartington, and Kilquhanity School and a range of schools based on the ideas of Maria Montessori and Rudolf Steiner
  10. Many countries around the world are involved in the growing use and production of biofuels, such as biodiesel, as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels and oil. To foster the biofuel industry, governments have implemented legislations and laws as incentives to reduce oil dependency and to increase the use of renewable energies. Many countries have their own independent policies regarding the taxation and rebate of biodiesel use, import, and production
  11. The tactical role-playing game sub-genre principally refers to games which incorporate gameplay from strategy games as an alternative to traditional RPG systems. Like standard RPGs, the player controls a finite party and battles a similar number of enemies, but this genre incorporates strategic gameplay such as tactical movement on an isometric grid. The genre has its origins in tabletop role-playing games, where each player has time to decide his or her character's action
  12. Sony introduced the MiniDisc format in 1993 as an alternative to Philips DCC or Digital Compact Cassette. Since the introduction of MiniDisc, Sony has attempted to promote its own audio compression technologies under the ATRAC brand, against the more widely used MP3. Until late 2004, Sony's Network Walkman line of digital portable music players did not support the MP3 de facto standard natively, although the provided software SonicStage would convert MP3 files into the ATRAC or ATRAC3 formats
  13. The Indian New Wave, commonly known in India as Art Cinema or Parallel Cinema as an alternative to the mainstream commercial cinema, is a specific movement in Indian cinema, known for its serious content, realism and naturalism, with a keen eye on the sociopolitical climate of the times. This movement is distinct from mainstream Bollywood cinema and began around the same time as the French New Wave and Japanese New Wave. The movement was initially led by Bengali cinema and then gained prominence in the other film industries of India
  14. Stop motion has occasionally been used to create the characters for computer games, as an alternative to CGI. the Virgin Interactive Entertainment Mythos game Magic and Mayhem featured creatures built by stop motion specialist Alan Friswell, who made the miniature figures from modelling clay and latex rubber, over armatures of wire and ball-and-socket joints. The models were then animated one frame at a time, and incorporated into the CGI elements of the game through digital photography. "ClayFighter" for the Super Nintendo and The Neverhood for the PC are other examples
  15. In some jurisdictions, a deed of trust is used as an alternative to a mortgage. A deed of trust is not used to transfer property directly. It is commonly used in some states — California, for example — to transfer title to land to a “ trustee ”, usually a trust or title company, which holds the title as security for a loan. When the loan is paid off, title is transferred to the borrower by recording a release of the obligation, and the trustee's contingent ownership is extinguished. Otherwise, upon default, the trustee will liquidate the property with a new deed and offset the lender's loss with the proceeds
  16. Homeschooling or homeschool is the education of children at home, typically by parents or by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. Although prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community, homeschooling in the modern sense is an alternative in developed countries to attending public or private schools. Homeschooling is a legal option for parents in many countries, allowing them to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the individual's home
  17. A major update to its handheld line, Game Boy Advance, featuring improved technical specifications similar to those of the SNES. A first update improved lighting, while a later iteration brought a smaller form factor. Although originally advertised as an alternative to the Game Boy Advance, the Nintendo DS replaced the Game Boy line sometime after its initial release in 2004. It was distinctive for its dual screens and a microphone, as well as a touch-sensitive lower screen. The Nintendo DS Lite brought a smaller form factor. The Nintendo DSi featured larger screens and two cameras, and was followed by a larger version the DSi XL with a 90% bigger screen
  18. Durban also has a system of freeway and dual arterial metropolitan routes, which connect the sprawling suburbs that lie to the north, west and south of the city. The M4 exists in two segments: The northern segment, named the Leo Boyd Highway, starts as an alternative highway at Ballito where it separates from the N2. It passes through the northern suburbs of Umghlanga and La-Lucia where it becomes a dual carriageway and ends at the northern edge of the CBD. The southern segment of the M4, the Albert Luthuli Highway, starts at the southern edge of the CBD, connecting through to the Durban International Airport, where it once again reconnects with the N2 Outer Ring Road
  19. Improvisation has been a consistent feature of theatre, with the Commedia dell ' arte in the sixteenth century being recognised as the first improvisation form. Popularized by Nobel Prize Winner Dario Fo and troupes such as the Upright Citizens Brigade improvisational theatre continues to evolve with many different streams and philosophies. Keith Johnstone and Viola Spolin are recognized as the first teachers of improvisation in modern times, with Johnstone exploring improvisation as an alternative to scripted theatre and the American Spolin and her successors exploring improvisation principally as a tool for developing dramatic work or skills or as a form for situational comedy
  20. Apprentices receive a wage negotiated in collective agreements ranging between 30% and 80% of the wage of a qualified worker; the percentage increasing over the apprenticeship period. Employers taking on apprentices receive a subsidy, equivalent to the cost of one year in school. After the two years vocational school programme some students opt for a third year in the ‘general’ programme as an alternative to an apprenticeship. Both apprenticeship and a third year of practical training in school lead to the same vocational qualifications. Upper secondary VET graduates may go directly to Vocational Technical Colleges, while those who wish to enter university need to take a supplementary year of education
  21. Modern plywood, as an alternative to natural wood, was invented in the 19th century, but by the end of the 1940s a shortage of lumber made it difficult to manufacture plywood affordably. Particleboard was intended to be a replacement. Its inventor was Max Himmelheber of Germany. The first commercial piece was produced during World War II at a factory in Bremen, Germany. It used waste material such as planer shavings, offcuts or sawdust, hammer-milled into chips, and bound together with a phenolic resin. Hammer-milling involves smashing material into smaller and smaller pieces until they pass out through a screen. Most other early particleboard manufacturers used similar processes, though often with slightly different resins
  22. The NAND type is primarily used in main memory, memory cards, USB flash drives, solid-state drives, and similar products, for general storage and transfer of data. The NOR type, which allows true random access and therefore direct code execution, is used as a replacement for the older EPROM and as an alternative to certain kinds of ROM applications, whereas NOR flash memory may emulate ROM primarily at the machine code level; many digital designs need ROM structures for other uses, often at significantly higher speeds than (economical) flash memory may achieve. NAND or NOR flash memory is also often used to store configuration data in numerous digital products, a task previously made possible by EEPROMs or battery-powered static RAM
  23. On January 7, 2003, at Macworld San Francisco, Steve Jobs announced that Apple had developed their own web browser, called Safari. It was based on Apple's internal fork of the KHTML rendering engine, called WebKit. Apple released the first beta version for OS X that day. A number of official and unofficial beta versions followed, until version 1.0 was released on June 23, 2003. Initially only available as a separate download for Mac OS X v10.2, it was included with the Mac OS X v10.3 release on October 24, 2003 as the default browser, with Internet Explorer for Mac included only as an alternative browser. 1.0.3, released on August 13, 2004 was the last version to support Mac OS X v10.2, while 1.3.2, released on January 12, 2006 was the last version to support Mac OS X v10.3. However, 10.3 received security updates through 2007
  24. Many such schools were founded in the United States in the 1970s as an alternative to mainstream or traditional classroom structure. A wide range of philosophies and teaching methods are offered by alternative schools; some have strong political, scholarly, or philosophical orientations, while others are more ad-hoc assemblies of teachers and students dissatisfied with some aspect of mainstream or traditional education. In 2003 there were approximately 70 alternative schools in the United Kingdom. In the UK public funding is not available for alternative schools and therefore alternative schools are usually fee-paying institutions. In the USA an increasing number of public school systems are offering alternative streams, but the majority of alternative schools are still independent and thus without financial support from the government
  25. During E3 2009, Sony announced the release of Media Go, a Windows application used to access, download and install games and software to a connected PSP, as well as Sony Walkman devices and Sony Ericsson cell phones. The software can also be used to manage and transfer other media such as music, videos and photos stored on the PSP and other compatible devices. Files are transferred to the PSP via a USB connection and saved onto a flash memory card. The software was initially offered as an alternative to the already-existing PSP Media Manager and can also be used to manage and transfer other media such as music, videos and photos stored on the PSP and other compatible devices. However, Sony soon completely replaced the Media Manager family of software with Media Go. It is only compatible with 32-bit versions of Windows XP and both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7

29 Example Sentences of "announced that he"

Here are 29 examples "announced that he" there used in a sentence.
  1. On 28 July 2012, Shevchenko announced that he was quitting football for politics
  2. On 11 March 2008, Del Bosque announced that he would replace Luis Aragonés as the coach of the Spanish national team; it was confirmed on 15 July 2008
  3. In October 2010, Hurley announced that he would be stepping down as chief executive officer of YouTube to take an advisory role, and that Salar Kamangar would take over as head of the company
  4. On 28 July 2012, Shevchenko announced that he was quitting football for politics. He was standing for election to the Ukrainian Parliament in the October 2012 Ukrainian parliamentary election. But his party failed to win parliamentary representation
  5. On February 15, 2010, Gawker announced it had acquired CityFile, an online directory of celebrities and media personalities. In a post that day, Gawker's Editor-in-Chief Gabriel Snyder announced that he was being replaced by CityFile editor Remy Stern
  6. He spent most of 1984 preparing the film The Sacrifice. At a press conference in Milan on 10 July 1984, he announced that he would never return to the Soviet Union and would remain in the West. At that time, his son Andrei Jr. was still in the Soviet Union and not allowed to leave the country
  7. Up to, and including, his film The Mirror, Tarkovsky focused his cinematic works on exploring this theory. After The Mirror, he announced that he would focus his work on exploring the dramatic unities proposed by Aristotle: a concentrated action, happening in one place, within the span of a single day
  8. On 1 August 2010, 32-year Puyol announced that he would continue to play for the national team for at least another two years. He missed the Euro 2012 tournament due to a knee injury contracted in a league game against RCD Espanyol in early May, which required surgery and five to six weeks recuperation
  9. After being elected mayor, he announced that he would be resuming his weekly column for The Daily Telegraph. The Guardian reported that he had agreed to a £250, 000 annual salary for doing so. It added that he would donate £25, 000 each towards two scholarships: one for students of Journalism, and the other for the teaching of Classics
  10. In 2005, Wark was voted as the BBC television programme Football Focus "all-time cult hero" by Ipswich Town fans. In 2008 Radio Suffolk announced that he would join their commentary team as a summariser, alongside former team-mates Kevin Beattie and Bryan Hamilton. As of April 2009, he works in the corporate hospitality department at Ipswich Town
  11. On February 1, 2012, Sony announced that Stringer would step down as President and CEO, effective April 1, to be replaced by Kazuo Hirai, Executive Deputy President and Chairman of Sony Computer Entertainment. Stringer relinquished his title of chairman of Sony and became chairman of the board of Sony in June. In March 2013, Stringer announced that he will step down as Chairman of the Board of Sony in June 2013
  12. Nadal next played in the 2010 Shanghai Rolex Masters in Shanghai, where he was the top seed, but lost to world No. 12 Jürgen Melzer in the third round, snapping his record streak of 21 consecutive Masters quarterfinals. On 5 November, Nadal announced that he was pulling out of the Paris Masters due to tendinitis in his left shoulder. On 21 November 2010, in London, Nadal won the Stefan Edberg Sportsmanship Award for the first time
  13. Two months later, under international pressure, a second round run-off vote between Karzai and remaining challenger Abdullah was announced, but a few days later Abdullah announced that he is not participating in the 7 November run-off because his demands for changes in the electoral commission had not been met. The next day, officials of the election commission cancelled the run-off and declared Hamid Karzai as President for another 5-year term
  14. Maldini announced his plans to retire at the end of the 2007–08 season, saying that he would do so with "no regrets." However, following Milan's elimination from the Champions League by Arsenal in March, Maldini stated that he would possibly delay his retirement for at least a further year. He signed an extension on 6 June that kept him at Milan for the 2008–09 season. On 18 April 2009, Maldini announced that he will be finally retiring at the end of the 2008–09 season
  15. In 2010, luxury watchmaker Richard Mille announced that he had developed an ultra-light wristwatch in collaboration with Nadal called the Richard Mille RM027 Tourbillon watch. The watch is made of titanium and lithium and is valued at US$525, 000; Nadal was involved in the design and testing of the watch on the tennis court. During the 2010 French Open, Men's Fitness reported that Nadal wore the Richard Mille watch on the court as part of a sponsorship deal with the Swiss watchmaker
  16. On 2 April 2013, in a match against Paris Saint-Germain Messi suffered from a hamstring problem in his left leg and was substituted at half time. Since then his first team appearances have been irregular. On 13 May 2013, Messi was unable to finish the match against Atletico Madrid due to recurrence of the hamstring injury in his left leg, he was forced to leave the field midway through the second half. It was later announced that he could miss the rest of the season due to the injury
  17. As of 2013, the Mayor of East Brunswick Township is David Stahl. Members of the Township Council are Council President James Wendell (R, 2014), Council Vice President Camille Ferraro (R, 2014), Denise Contrino (D, 2016), Michael Hughes (R, 2014) and Nancy Pinkin (D, 2016) . In a March 2013 announcement, Mayor Stahl switched his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican and announced that he would be running for the nomination in the 18th Legislative District seat currently held by Barbara Buono
  18. The music video put together a production team at Bakshi Animation whose next project was the short-lived TV series Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures. Bakshi and company worked on several other projects in the late 1980s, but his biggest project, 1992's Cool World, was a critically panned commercial disappointment. In 2005, Bakshi announced that he would begin working on another feature film, Last Days of Coney Island, which he is financing himself and producing independently. As of 2008, Bakshi had suspended production on the film
  19. The biggest blow to Stoichkov as a coach of the national team of Bulgaria came on 12 October 2006, when Stiliyan Petrov, the captain of the team, announced he would not play for Bulgaria as long as Stoichkov was manager. Petrov is the third player and the second captain in two years to leave the team because of differences with Stoichkov. However, on 17 March 2007, Stiliyan Petrov announced that he had had a private conversation with Stoichkov, in which they were able to work their differences out. As a result, Petrov would return to the team
  20. On January 17, 2011, a year and a half after Jobs returned from his liver transplant, Apple announced that he had been granted a medical leave of absence. Jobs announced his leave in a letter to employees, stating his decision was made "so he could focus on his health". As during his 2009 medical leave, Apple announced that Tim Cook would run day-to-day operations and that Jobs would continue to be involved in major strategic decisions at the company. Despite the leave, he made appearances at the iPad 2 launch event, the WWDC keynote introducing iCloud (June 6), and before the Cupertino city council (June 7)
  21. In 2004, Sanders announced that he was going to end his retirement, after being lured back to football by Ravens cornerback Corey Fuller, linebacker Ray Lewis and best friend Joe Zorovich. He signed a 1-year deal with the Baltimore Ravens to be a nickelback. Sanders chose to wear the number 37, which matched his age at the time, to preemptively let people know that he was well aware of his relative senior status as an NFL player. Against the Buffalo Bills in Week 7 of 2004, Sanders scored his ninth career interception return touchdown, moving him into a tie for second place with Ken Houston and Aeneas Williams, and behind Rod Woodson for all-time in the statistical category
  22. Engadget was co-founded by former Gizmodo technology weblog editor and co-founder, Peter Rojas. Engadget is a member of Weblogs, Inc., a blog network with over 75 weblogs including Autoblog and Joystiq and formerly including Hack-A-Day. Weblogs Inc. was purchased by AOL in 2005. Engadget's editor-in-chief, Ryan Block, announced on July 22, 2008, that he would be stepping down as editor-in-chief in late August, leaving the role to Joshua Topolsky. On March 12, 2011, Joshua Topolsky, along with most of the senior editorial staff, announced that he was leaving Engadget making Tim Stevens—profiled by Fortune on May 31, 2012 and deemed "the nicest guy in tech"—the editor-in-chief
  23. The 2008 season was a major disappointment for all the fans hoping to repeat the success of the 2007 season. In the league Brann finished 8th and in the national cup they reached the final 16 but was eliminated after a 8-0 loss away to Molde FK. Brann also participated in the UEFA Champions League qualifier, but was eliminated from the contest in the third qualifying round after losing both matches (home 0-1, away 1-2) against Olympique de Marseille from France. After this they played against the Spanish team Deportivo de La Coruña in the first round of the 2008–2009 edition of UEFA Cup but was eliminated on penalties after an aggregate result of 2-2. On October 7, 2008 Brann and their head coach Mons Ivar Mjelde announced that he would resign from the club at the end of the season
  24. The controversy surrounding Chaplin had heightened when, two weeks after the paternity suit was filed, it was announced that he had married his newest protégée, 18-year-old Oona O ' Neill. Chaplin, then 54, had been introduced to Oona by a film agent seven months earlier. In his autobiography, Chaplin described their meeting as "the happiest event of my life", and claimed to have found "perfect love". Chaplin's son, Charles Jr., reported that Oona "worshipped" his father. Chaplin and O ' Neill remained married until his death, and had eight children over 18 years: Geraldine Leigh, Michael John (b. March 1946), Josephine Hannah (b. March 1949), Victoria (b. May 1951), Eugene Anthony (b. August 1953), Jane Cecil (b. May 1957), Annette Emily (b. December 1959), and Christopher James (b. July 1962)
  25. On April 15, 2009 David Reeves, President and CEO of SCE Europe, announced that he would be resigning from his post. He had joined the company in 1995 and was appointed as Chairman of SCEE in 2003 and President in 2005. His role of President and CEO of SCEE would be taken over by Andrew House who joined Sony Corporation in 1990. On December 8, 2005, video game developer Guerrilla Games, developers of the Killzone series, was acquired by Sony Computer Entertainment as part of its SCE WWS. On January 24, 2006 video game developer Zipper Interactive, developers of the SOCOM series, was acquired by Sony Computer Entertainment as part of its SCE WWS. On September 20, 2007 video game developers Evolution Studios and Bigbig Studios, developers of the MotorStorm series, were acquired by Sony Computer Entertainment as part of its SCE WWS
  26. Before the season, Juventus manager Claudio Ranieri remarked that Del Piero would have as good a season, or an even better one, than the previous term. In August 2008, Del Piero announced that he would try to keep playing professional football with Juventus until he is 40 years old. With Juventus back in the Champions League, they were drawn into the same group as nine-time winners Real Madrid and UEFA Cup winners Zenit Saint Petersburg. Del Piero marked Juve's return with a brilliant match-winning free kick to seal a home win against Zenit. On 21 October, he scored a wonderful first-time strike from distance as Juve defeated Real Madrid 2–1 at home in Turin. In the fifth minute, from open play, Del Piero swerved the ball into the far corner of the goal with a freekick-like shot, giving Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas no chance
  27. On 4 September 2012, Owen joined Stoke City on a one-year contract. He was handed the number 10 shirt from the departed Ricardo Fuller and made his debut in a 1–1 draw against Manchester City on 15 September 2012. His start to his Stoke career however has been hampered by a hamstring injury. Owen scored his first goal for Stoke on 19 January 2013 in a 3–1 defeat at Swansea City, his first goal since 25 October 2011. In doing so he became only the seventh player to reach 150 Premier League goals. On 19 March 2013, Owen announced that he will retire from playing at the end of the 2012–13 season. He was restricted to just eight Premier League appearances for Stoke all coming from the substitutes bench including in his final appearance on 19 May 2013 against Southampton, where he received a standing ovation from both sets of supporters
  28. The Albirroja arrived back from South Africa on Monday, July 5 at 3:30 AM. Upon arrival, they were greeted by over 3000 fans at the airport and were decorated by the President of Paraguay. Gerardo Martino announced that he would take some time to decide his future, although the Paraguayan FA has offered him a four year contract to continue at the helm. Roque Santa Cruz also announced that this would be his last World Cup, but that he may play one more tournament, the Copa América in Argentina in 2011. reports that Gerardo Martino will not return as head coach for Paraguay, however, he promised fans that he would help the team transition to the future and help the team select a new national team coach. Later, however, Martino decided to sign a new contract that will keep him in charge of the Albirroja until after the 2011 Copa América
  29. On March 18, 2013, EA CEO John Riccitello has announced that he will be stepping down as CEO and a member of the Board of Directors, effective March 30, 2013. Larry Probst has also been appointed executive chairman on the same day. Probst, in a company blog post, said "John's tenure at EA has been marked by bold decisions, a big vision for online games, a passion for product quality, and an enduring respect for the people who work here. John made an indelible mark on our culture and shaped many of our most successful leaders." Riccitiello, in a note to employees about his transition, said: "Personally, I think we ' ve never been in a better position as a company. You have made enormous progress in improving product quality... I am so incredibly proud of all the great things you have done, and it has been my honor to lead this team these past six years."

30 Example Sentences of "announced it would"

Here are 30 examples "announced it would" there used in a sentence.
  1. In September 2011, Google announced it would discontinue a number of its products, including Google Sidewiki
  2. In September 2011, Google announced it would discontinue a number of its products, including Google Fast Flip
  3. In September 2011, Google announced it would discontinue a number of its products, including Google Maps API for Flash
  4. In October 2010, Google announced it would be dropping support for welcome messages, pages, and files effective January 2011
  5. In April 2012, Google, the previous owner of SketchUp, announced it would sell the program to Trimble, a company best known for GPS location services
  6. In September 2011, Google announced it would discontinue a number of its products, including Google Pack. Google Pack is no longer available for download
  7. In 2007, McDonalds of UK announced it would start producing biodiesel from the waste oil byproduct of its restaurants. This fuel would be used to run its fleet
  8. The single-user upgrade and Family Pack units of Snow Leopard ranked 1 and 2 respectively on's software bestseller charts when Apple announced it would release it within the week
  9. On April 2, 2008, Google announced it would cut 300 jobs at DoubleClick due to organizational redundancies. Selected employees would be matched within the Google organization as per position and experience
  10. On April 17, 2012, Twitter announced it would implement an “ Innovators Patent Agreement ” which would obligate Twitter to only use its patents for defensive purposes. The agreement will go into effect later 2012
  11. On May 17, 2012, Twitter announced it would implement the "Do Not Track" privacy option, a cookie-blocking feature found in Mozilla's Firefox browser. The "Do Not Track" feature works only on sites that have agreed to the service
  12. In 2006, Apple announced it would end shipments to Europe of certain products, including the eMac desktop computer and the AirPort wireless access point, as non-compliant with the European Union Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive
  13. On April 26, 2012, Trimble announced it would buy SketchUp from Google. The two companies will "collaborate on running and further developing SketchUp’s 3D Warehouse." On June 1, 2012, Trimble completed the acquisition of SketchUp from Google
  14. In September 2011, Google announced it would discontinue a number of its products, including Google Notebook. On November 11, 2011, Google began exporting the contents of existing Notebooks to Google Docs, and made Google Notebooks read-only. As of July 2012, all Notebook data had been exported and Google Notebook was shut down
  15. Subsequent announcements confirmed that Apple is moving away from exclusive one-carrier deals. Soon after Vodafone's announcement, TIM announced it would also be selling the iPhone in Italy, on May 12, 2008 Optus confirmed it would sell it in Australia and SingTel confirmed that it would be selling the iPhone in India through its Indian Joint Venture, Airtel
  16. In June 2007, a consortium comprising the Myer family, Colonial First State and GIC Real Estate announced it would be purchasing Myer's Melbourne CBD store. The Bourke Street part of the store was planned to be redeveloped by 2009, with Myer taking a 60-year lease, but the development was not completed until March 2011. The Lonsdale Street part of the store closed in 2009
  17. In early 2010, Disney announced it would be putting out the DVD and Blu-ray versions of Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland 14 weeks after the movie's release date in order to avoid competition from the 2010 World Cup. In response to such statements, theater owners made threats not to show the movie on their screens, but later reconsidered their position before the movie was released
  18. On 12 February 2013, Opera announced it would drop its Presto engine and transition its web browsers to use WebKit as implemented by Google's Chrome browser by means of code from the Chromium project. Opera Software also planned to contribute code to WebKit as well. On 3 April 2013, Google announced that it would fork components from WebKit to form a new rendering engine known as Blink; the same day, Opera confirmed that it would follow Google in implementing Blink
  19. Darwin's heritage began with NeXT's NeXTSTEP operating system, first released in 1989. After Apple bought NeXT in 1997, it announced it would base its next operating system on OPENSTEP. This was developed into Rhapsody in 1997, Mac OS X Server 1.0 in 1999, Mac OS X Public Beta in 2000, and Mac OS X 10.0 in 2001. In 2000, the core operating system components of Mac OS X were released as open-source software under the Apple Public Source License as Darwin; the higher-level components, such as the Cocoa and Carbon frameworks, remained closed-source
  20. Elaborate fireworks shows synchronized with Disney songs and often have appearances from Tinker Bell or Dumbo, flying in the sky above Sleeping Beauty Castle. Since 2000, presentations have become more elaborate, featuring new pyrotechnics, launch techniques and story lines. In 2004, Disneyland introduced a new air launch pyrotechnics system, reducing ground level smoke and noise and decreasing negative environmental impacts. At the time the technology debuted, Disney announced it would donate the patents to a non-profit organization for use throughout the industry
  21. If a hereditary peerage holder is given a life peerage, he or she becomes a member of the House of Lords without a need for a by-election. In 2000, the government announced it would set up an Independent Appointments Commission, under Lord Stevenson of Coddenham, to select fifteen so-called "People's Peers" for life peerages. However, when the choices were announced in April 2001, from a list of 3, 000 applicants, the choices were treated with criticism in the media, as all were distinguished in their field, and none were "ordinary people" as some had originally hoped
  22. On January 24, 2006, Disney announced it would acquire Pixar for $7.4 billion in an all-stock transaction. The merger installed animator John Lasseter as chief creative officer of the Disney / Pixar animation studios and principal creative adviser for Walt Disney Imagineering, the division that designs theme park attractions. It also made Steve Jobs Disney's top shareholder with seven percent of outstanding shares, and gave him a new seat on Disney's board of directors. In the same year, he also re-acquired the rights to Walt Disney's first star Oswald the Lucky Rabbit from NBCUniversal by releasing sportscaster Al Michaels from ABC Sports to NBC Sports
  23. On 13 March 2006, Coles Myer announced it would sell Myer to a consortium controlled by US private equity group Newbridge Capital, part of the Texas Pacific Group. The consortium also included the Myer family, who held a 5% stake. The new owners, who also secured the freehold on the flagship Bourke Street store, indicated that they would not radically change the business, at least in the short term, and had no plans to redevelop the Bourke Street site as this would impact too heavily on profitability during the construction period. Texas Pacific also have interests in UK department store Debenhams and high-end US retailer Neiman Marcus. This sale was completed for A$1.4 bn on 2 June 2006
  24. On February 24, 2011, Apple discontinued offering MobileMe at its retail stores, with MobileMe retail boxes eventually removed from resellers as well. Additionally, Apple no longer accepted new subscribers for MobileMe. On June 6, 2011, Apple announced that a new service called iCloud was to replace MobileMe, sometime in the fall. At the iPhone special event on October 4, 2011, Apple announced it would finally launch iCloud on October 12, 2011, to replace MobileMe for new users, with current users having access until June 30, 2012, when the service would cease. MobileMe was shut down on June 30, 2012, but data was still able to be retrieved for an advertised "limited time", until July 31, 2012, when the site finally closed completely
  25. Following these new developments, on February 19, 2008, Toshiba announced it would end production of HD DVD devices, allowing Blu-ray Disc to become the industry standard for high-density optical discs. Universal Studios, the sole major movie studio to back HD DVD since its inception, said shortly after Toshiba's announcement: "While Universal values the close partnership we have shared with Toshiba, it is time to turn our focus to releasing new and catalog titles on Blu-ray Disc." Paramount Studios, which started releasing movies only in HD DVD format during late 2007, also said it would start releasing in Blu-ray Disc. Both studios announced initial Blu-ray lineups in May 2008. With this, all major Hollywood studios supported Blu-ray
  26. By 2010, only three countries had never sent female athletes to the Games: Brunei, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Brunei had taken part in only three celebrations of the Games, sending a single athlete on each occasion, but Saudi Arabia and Qatar had been competing regularly with all-male teams. In 2010, the International Olympic Committee announced it would "press" these countries to enable and facilitate the participation of women for the 2012 Summer Olympics. Anita DeFrantz, chair of the IOC's Women and Sports Commission, suggested that countries be barred if they prevented women from competing. Shortly thereafter, the Qatar Olympic Committee announced that it "hoped to send up to four female athletes in shooting and fencing" to the 2012 Summer Games in London
  27. Jobs was both admired and criticized for his consummate skill at persuasion and salesmanship, which has been dubbed the "reality distortion field" and was particularly evident during his keynote speeches at Macworld Expos and at Apple Worldwide Developers Conferences. In 2005, Jobs responded to criticism of Apple's poor recycling programs for e-waste in the US by lashing out at environmental and other advocates at Apple's Annual Meeting in Cupertino in April. A few weeks later, Apple announced it would take back iPods for free at its retail stores. The Computer TakeBack Campaign responded by flying a banner from a plane over the Stanford University graduation at which Jobs was the commencement speaker. The banner read "Steve, don ' t be a mini-player—recycle all e-waste"
  28. Aardvark was a social search service that connected users live with friends or friends-of-friends who were able to answer their questions, also known as a knowledge market. Users submitted questions via the Aardvark website, email or instant messenger and Aardvark identified and facilitated a live chat or email conversation with one or more topic experts in the asker's extended social network. Aardvark was used for asking subjective questions for which human judgment or recommendation was desired. It was also used extensively for technical support questions. Users could also review question and answer history and other settings on the Aardvark website. Google acquired Aardvark for $50 million on February 11, 2010. In September 2011, Google announced it would discontinue a number of its products, including Aardvark
  29. All of the heavy-duty engine manufacturers except for Navistar International and Caterpillar Inc. continuing to manufacture engines after this date have chosen to use SCR. This Includes Detroit Diesel (DD13, DD15, and DD16 models), Cummins (ISX, ISL9, ISB6.7, and ISC8.3 line), PACCAR, and Volvo / Mack. These engines require the periodical addition of Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF, a urea solution) to enable the process. DEF is available in a bottle from most truck stops, and some have put in bulk DEF dispensers near the Diesel Fuel pumps. Caterpillar and Navistar had initially chosen to use Enhanced Exhaust gas recirculation (EEGR) to comply with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards, but in July 2012 Navistar announced it would be pursuing SCR technology for its engines, except on the MaxxForce 15 which was to be discontinued
  30. In December 2004, Toshiba quietly announced it would discontinue manufacturing traditional in-house cathode ray tube televisions. In 2006, Toshiba terminated production of in-house plasma TVs. To ensure its future competitiveness in the flat-panel digital television and display market, Toshiba has made a considerable investment in a new kind of display technology called SED. Before World War II, Toshiba was a member of the Mitsui Group zaibatsu (family-controlled vertical monopoly) . Today Toshiba is a member of the Mitsui keiretsu (a set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings), and still has preferential arrangements with Mitsui Bank and the other members of the keiretsu. Membership in a keiretsu has traditionally meant loyalty, both corporate and private, to other members of the keiretsu or allied keiretsu. This loyalty can extend as far as the beer the employees consume, which in Toshiba's case is Asahi

26 Example Sentences of "an increase of"

Here are 26 examples "an increase of" there used in a sentence.
  1. World Cup. As a result of the extension to 32 teams in the finals, there was an increase of 10 referees and 11 officials from the 1994 World Cup
  2. A study suggests that the introduction of the euro has had a positive effect on the amount of tourist travel within the EMU, with an increase of 6.5%
  3. Standard Japanese has become prevalent nationwide due to education, mass media, and an increase of mobility within Japan, as well as economic integration
  4. The gross state domestic product of Delhi at current prices for the year 2011-12 has been estimated at Rs 3.13 lakh crore, which is an increase of 18.7 per cent over the previous fiscal
  5. The population reached 61, 841 inhabitants in 1999, an increase of 8.3%. Thus it paralleled the demographic growth both of Haut-Rhin (which showed an increase of 5.3% in the same period), and, more broadly, that of Alsace itself, (which showed an increase of 6.8%)
  6. Tianjin's GDP reached 1.12 trillion yuan in 2011, an increase of 16.4 percent over 2010. The city of Tianjin recorded China's highest per-capita GDP with $13, 393, followed by Shanghai with $12, 784 and Beijing with $12, 447, levels on par with some developed countries
  7. The entire prefecture had 12, 790, 000 residents in October 2007, with an increase of over 3 million in the day. Tokyo is at its highest population ever, while that of the 23 wards peak official count was 8, 893, 094 in the 1965 Census, with the count dipping below 8 million in the 1995 Census. People continue to move back into the core city as land prices have fallen dramatically
  8. Prior to the release of this campaign, in March 2006, Apple had a downward spike of sales for the 2005-2006 period. One month after the start of the ‘Get a Mac’ campaign, Apple saw an increase of 200, 000 Macs sold, and at the end of July 2006, Mac announced that it had sold 1.3 million Macs. Apple had an overall increase in sales of 39% for the fiscal year ending September 2006
  9. The paper so loathed Labour's left-wing champion Aneurin Bevan "and the hate-gospellers of his entourage" that it called for Attlee's post-war Labour government to be voted out of office. The newspaper opposed the creation of the National Health Service as it feared the state provision of healthcare would "eliminate selective" and lead to an increase of congenitally deformed and feckless people
  10. A 2009 consensus from the studies of the introduction of the euro concluded that it has increased trade within the eurozone by 5% to 10%, although one study suggested an increase of only 3% while another estimated 9 to 14%. However, a meta-analysis of all available studies suggests that the prevalence of positive estimates is caused by publication bias and that the underlying effect may be negligible
  11. East Brunswick is a township in Middlesex County, New Jersey, United States. The township is a suburb of New York City on the southern shores of the Raritan River. According to the 2010 United States Census, the township's population was 47, 512, reflecting an increase of 756 from the 46, 756 counted in the 2000 Census, which had in turn increased by 3, 208 (+7.4%) from the 43, 548 counted in the 1990 Census
  12. In 2012, Georgia had an estimated population of 9, 919, 945 which was an increase of 104, 735 from the previous year, and an increase of 232, 292 since 2010. This includes a natural increase since the last census of 438, 939 people and an increase from net migration of 606, 673 people into the state. Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 228, 415 people, and migration within the country produced a net increase of 378, 258 people
  13. Birmingham is the most populous British city outside London, with 1, 073, 000 residents, an increase of 96, 000 over the previous decade. The West Midlands Urban Area has a population of 2, 284, 093 (2001 Census) ; and Birmingham's metropolitan area, which is also the United Kingdom's second most populous, has a population of 3, 683, 000. At the time of the 2001 UK Census, Birmingham's population was 977, 087, having fallen since reaching a peak of 1, 112, 685 in the 1951 Census
  14. Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London with 1, 074, 300 residents (2011 census), an increase of 96, 000 over the previous decade. The city lies at the heart of the West Midlands conurbation, the second most populous urban area in the United Kingdom with a population of 2, 284, 093 (2001 census) . Its metropolitan area is also the United Kingdom's second most populous with 3, 683, 000 residents
  15. The New York City Department of City Planning projects that Manhattan's population will increase by 289, 000 people between 2000 and 2030, an increase of 18.8% over the period, second only to Staten Island, while the rest of the city is projected to grow by 12.7% over the same period. The school-age population is expected to grow 4.4% by 2030, in contrast to a small decline in the city as a whole. The elderly population is forecast to grow by 57.9%, with the borough adding 108, 000 persons ages 65 and over, compared to 44.2% growth citywide
  16. Pulmonary hypertension is an increase of blood pressure in the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, or pulmonary capillaries, together known as the lung vasculature, leading to shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, leg swelling and other symptoms. Pulmonary hypertension can be a severe disease with a markedly decreased exercise tolerance and heart failure. It was first identified by Dr. Ernst von Romberg in 1891. According to the most recent classification, it can be one of five different types: arterial, venous, hypoxic, thromboembolic or miscellaneous
  17. Applications continued to increase for the Class of 2016, which was the first time UVA allowed high school students to apply in the fall for early action. 11, 753 students applied for early action and 3, 187 were offered admission. Overall applications for both early action and regular decision grew by 17.64% to 28, 200, an increase of 4, 229 from the year before. The average SAT score for admitted students were 1, 413 on a 1, 600-point scale, and 2, 119 on a 2, 400-point scale. Ninety-eight percent of the admitted students were in the Top 10% of their high school class
  18. As of 2012, Connecticut has an estimated population of 3, 590, 347, which is an increase of 9, 638, or 0.2%, from the prior year and an increase of 16, 250, or 0.5%, since the year 2010. This includes a natural increase since the last census of 67, 427 people and an increase due to net migration of 41, 718 people into the state. Immigration from outside the United States resulted in a net increase of 75, 991 people, and migration within the country produced a net loss of 34, 273 people. Based on the 2005 estimates, Connecticut moves from the 29th most populous state to 30th
  19. Australian Apprenticeships encompass all apprenticeships and traineeships. They cover all industry sectors in Australia and are used to achieve both ' entry-level ' and career ' upskilling ' objectives. There were 470, 000 Australian Apprentices in-training as at 31 March 2012, an increase of 2.4% from the previous year. Australian Government employer and employee incentives may be applicable, while State and Territory Governments may provide public funding support for the training element of the initiative. Australian Apprenticeships combine time at work with formal training and can be full-time, part-time or school-based
  20. Bronchoconstriction is due to an activation of parasympathetic nervous system. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers will release acetylcholine next to the Reissessen muscle, a smooth muscle layer surrounding the bronchi. These smooth muscle cells have M3 type muscarinic receptors on their membrane. The activation of these receptors by ACh will activate an intracellular Gq protein, that in turn will activate the PLC pathway, that will end in an increase of intracellular calcium concentrations and therefore contraction of the smooth muscle cell. The muscle contraction will cause the diameter of the bronchus to decrease, therefore increasing its resistance
  21. Usage of CT has increased dramatically over the last two decades. An estimated 72 million scans were performed in the United States in 2007. Of these, six to eleven percent are done in children, an increase of seven to eightfold from 1980. Similar increases have been seen in Europe and Asia. In Calgary, Canada 12.1% of people who present to the emergency with an urgent complaint received a CT scan, most commonly either of the head or of the abdomen. The percentage who received CT, however, varied markedly by the emergency physician who saw them from 1.8% to 25%. In the emergency department in the United States, CT or MRI imaging is done in 15% of people who present with injuries as of 2007
  22. Ethanol can be used in petrol engines as a replacement for gasoline; it can be mixed with gasoline to any percentage. Most existing car petrol engines can run on blends of up to 15% bioethanol with petroleum / gasoline. Ethanol has a smaller energy density than that of gasoline; this means it takes more fuel to produce the same amount of work. An advantage of ethanol (CH3CH2OH) is that it has a higher octane rating than ethanol-free gasoline available at roadside gas stations, which allows an increase of an engine's compression ratio for increased thermal efficiency. In high-altitude (thin air) locations, some states mandate a mix of gasoline and ethanol as a winter oxidizer to reduce atmospheric pollution emissions
  23. When a mother smokes during pregnancy the fetus is exposed to nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide. Nicotine results in less blood flow to the fetus because it constricts the blood vessels. Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen flow to the fetus. The reduction of blood and oxygen flow results in stillbirth, low birth weight, and ectopic pregnancy. There is an increase of risk of sudden death syndrome in infants. Nicotine also increases the risk for miscarriages and premature births or infant mortality. There has been a link from smoking during pregnancy that led to asthma in childhood. Low birth weight and premature births can also increase the risk of asthma if a mother smoked during pregnancy because of the effects on the respiratory system of the fetus
  24. Following from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance brought an increase of physiological research in the Western world that triggered the modern study of anatomy and physiology. Andreas Vesalius was an author of one of the most influential books on human anatomy, De humani corporis fabrica. Vesalius is often referred to as the founder of modern human anatomy. Anatomist William Harvey described the circulatory system in the 17th century, demonstrating the fruitful combination of close observations and careful experiments to learn about the functions of the body, which was fundamental to the development of experimental physiology. Herman Boerhaave is sometimes referred to as a father of physiology due to his exemplary teaching in Leiden and textbook Institutiones medicae
  25. Although the international financial crisis spreads rapidly and the speed of world economy growth is slowing down, Tianjin economy still maintains at a steady and fast growing speed. In 2008, Tianjin total output value was RMB 635.438 billion, an increase of 16.5%, say RMB 130.398 billion increase over last year, the first time with an increase of exceeding RMB 100 billion. The total output value per capita in Tianjin was USD 7, 800, nearing the level of middle developed countries. Tianjin had realized a directly contracted foreign investment of up to USD 13.256 billion, an increase of 15.1%, and actual contributed capital of USD 7.420, increasing 40.6% year on year. So far Tianjin has had 21, 048 companies with foreign investment, with accumulated foreign investment of USD 47.2 billion
  26. Due to its diverse and abundant public transportation, privately owned vehicles are not as common in Kolkata as in other major Indian cities. The city has witnessed a steady increase in the number of registered vehicles; 2002 data showed an increase of 44% over a period of seven years. As of 2004, after adjusting for population density, the city's "road space" was only 6% compared to 23% in Delhi and 17% in Mumbai. The Kolkata Metro has somewhat eased traffic congestion, as has the addition of new roads and flyovers. Agencies operating long-distance bus services include Calcutta State Transport Corporation, South Bengal State Transport Corporation, North Bengal State Transport Corporation, and various private operators. The city's main bus terminals are located at Esplanade, Karunamoyee, and Babughat. The Kolkata–Delhi and Kolkata–Chennai prongs of the Golden Quadrilateral, and National Highway 34 start from the city

27 Example Sentences of "and will be"

Here are 27 examples "and will be" there used in a sentence.
  1. Google Friend Connect can feature multiple identity providers. This means that users can access third party sites using more than one identity provider and will be treated as two separate users
  2. A second space lab, Tiangong 2, will be launched in 2013. This will be larger than Tiangong 1 at some 20 tons and 14.4 metres length and will be visited by future Shenzhou missions, though exact details are not yet available
  3. Video content such as films and television shows are also available from the PlayStation Store on the PlayStation 3 and PSP and will be made available on some new Sony BRAVIA televisions, VAIO laptop computers and Sony Blu-ray Disc players from February 2010
  4. On April 2, 2013, a sequel to Finding Nemo was announced. The film, titled Finding Dory, will star Ellen DeGeneres, who returns as Dory, and will be directed by Finding Nemo director, Andrew Stanton. It is due to be released on November 25, 2015. Albert Brooks will also be returning as Marlin
  5. These indices have 5 levels using a scale from 0 to > 100 (very high), it is a relative measure of the amount of air pollution. They are based on 3 pollutants of major concern in Europe: PM10, NO2, O3 and will be able to take into account to 3 additional pollutants (CO, PM2.5 and SO2) where data are also available
  6. Sorcery is a 2012 video game, co-developed by The Workshop and SCE Santa Monica Studio. It is published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3 utilizing the PlayStation Move and will be one of the first of the second generation Move titles. The game was first announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010
  7. Even while playing at Real Madrid, Alonso has declared himself a Liverpool supporter and returns to watch games at Anfield when his schedule allows. He was quoted in The Times Online in 2011 as saying: "I am still a Liverpool fan and will be forever, absolutely" and that he will raise his Liverpool-born son as a Red supporter
  8. Researchers have also developed karaoke games for cell phones in order to boost music database training. In 2006, the Interactive Audio Lab at Northwestern University released a game called Karaoke Callout for the Nokia Series 60 phone. The project has since then expanded into a web-based game and will be released soon as an iPhone application
  9. Although it was presented to the group of media and people from search industry on May 12, 2009, yet it was not made public as Google’s Associate Product Manager Alex Komoroske admitted that owing to the search flaws in Google Squared, there is still a good amount of work to be done on it and will be launched in Google Labs by the end of this month
  10. Loki looks over the gold that Andvari possesses, and after Andvari hands over all of his gold, Andvari holds on to but a single ring; the ring Andvarinaut, which Loki also takes. Andvari, now in the form of a dwarf, goes into a rock, and tells Loki that the gold will result in the death of two brothers, will cause strife between eight princes, and will be useless to everyone
  11. OS 7 is an upcoming mobile operating system designed by Apple Inc. as the successor to iOS 6. It was announced at the company's 2013 Worldwide Developers Conference on June 10, and will be released in the Fall of 2013. It includes a redesigned user interface and a number of improvements to the operating system's functionality. iOS 7 was designed by Jonathan Ive, Apple's Senior Vice President of Industrial Design
  12. In Judaism, the main textual source for the belief in the end of days and accompanying events is the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible. The Five Books of Moses describe a time when the Jewish people will not be able to keep the Laws of Moses in the Land of Israel, and will be exiled but ultimately redeemed. The main sources are the book of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. The books of the Hebrew Prophets also elaborate about the end of days
  13. Creative midfielderCreative midfielders are midfield players that are able to create goal scoring opportunities for the team often in situations where nothing seems likely. They usually have good ball control, passing ability and movement and will be blessed with vision and on-the-ball intelligence. They are usually attacking midfielders though second strikers, wingers and central midfielders can also be known as creative players
  14. Printer and scanner drivers used by previous versions of Mac OS X are not compatible with Snow Leopard and will be replaced during Snow Leopard installation. Since the initial release of Snow Leopard many manufacturers have provided compatible drivers that are available via Software Update. If a native driver is not available Snow Leopard also includes CUPS and Gutenprint open source drivers that may provide limited functionality
  15. The ICD is revised periodically and is currently in its tenth revision. The ICD-10, as it is therefore known, was developed in 1992 to track health statistics. ICD-11 is planned for 2015 and will be revised using Web 2.0 principles. Annual minor updates and triennial major updates are published by the WHO. The ICD is part of a "family" of guides that can be used to complement each other, including also the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health which focuses on the domains of functioning associated with health conditions, from both medical and social perspectives
  16. In April 2011, an uncredited source indicated that Nintendo was planning on unveiling the successor to the Wii during E3 2011, codenamed Project Café, that would be capable of gameplay in HD resolutions and will be backward compatible with Wii software. It was also rumored that the console would feature an all new controller with a built in high-resolution screen. The origin of the rumor for the codename was French technology publication 01net. 01net had previously revealed the technical specifications of Sony's PlayStation Vita before it was announced. The new machine was believed twice as powerful as the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
  17. Water storage and supply for Melbourne is managed by Melbourne Water, which is owned by the Victorian Government. The organisation is also responsible for management of sewerage and the major water catchments in the region and will be responsible for the Wonthaggi desalination plant and North–South Pipeline. Water is stored in a series of reservoirs located within and outside the Greater Melbourne area. The largest dam, the Thomson River Dam, located in the Victorian Alps, is capable of holding around 60% of Melbourne's water capacity, while smaller dams such as the Upper Yarra Dam and the Cardinia Reservoir carry secondary supplies
  18. In areas where Google Map Maker is available, for example, much of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe as well as the United States and Canada, anyone who logs into their Google account can directly improve the map by fixing incorrect driving directions, adding biking trails, or adding a missing building or road. General map errors in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, South Africa, Switzerland, and the United States can be reported using the Report a Problem link in Google Maps and will be updated by Google. For areas where Google uses Tele Atlas data, map errors can be reported using Tele Atlas map insight
  19. Convex-concave lenses can be either positive or negative, depending on the relative curvatures of the two surfaces. A negative meniscus lens has a steeper concave surface and will be thinner at the centre than at the periphery. Conversely, a positive meniscus lens has a steeper convex surface and will be thicker at the centre than at the periphery. An ideal thin lens with two surfaces of equal curvature would have zero optical power, meaning that it would neither converge nor diverge light. All real lenses have a nonzero thickness, however, which affects the optical power. To obtain exactly zero optical power, a meniscus lens must have slightly unequal curvatures to account for the effect of the lens ' thickness
  20. The Indian constitution, adopted in 1950, declares Hindi shall be written in the Devanagari script and will be the official language of the Federal Government of India. However, English continues to be used as an official language along with Hindi. Hindi is also enumerated as one of the twenty-two languages of the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India, which entitles it to representation on the Official Language Commission. The Constitution of India has effectively instituted the usage of Hindi and English as the two languages of communication for the Union Government. Most government documentation is prepared in three languages: English, Hindi, and the primary official language of the local state, if it is not Hindi or English
  21. Rock_Band_Unplugged"> Rock Band Unplugged was developed by Backbone Entertainment and was released for the PlayStation Portable in North America on June 9, 2009 and will be in Europe by the end of 2009. The game uses the PSP's Wi-Fi capabilities to provide an online store for additional downloadable content from music providers. The game is played similarly to Harmonix ' previous games Frequency and Amplitude, with the player using the face buttons on the PSP to match notes; after completing a length of a phrase on a given instrument, that instrument will then play by itself for a while, allowing the player to switch to another instrument. The DS versions of Lego Rock Band and Rock Band 3 use a similar gameplay system to Rock Band Unplugged
  22. Following Jackson's death in June 2009, it was revealed that Sony / ATV Music Publishing would keep control of the Beatles'songs. Upon his death, Jackson's entertainment attorney, Joel Katz, commented on the singer's work as a businessman. "Michael Jackson was a perfectionist and his business affairs are worldwide. Many of them are quite ongoing and will be dealt with appropriately." Ivan Thornton, a private-wealth adviser who worked with Jackson and his family, also commended the business side of the musician. "His business mind was fascinating. We’d go to meetings with bankers and Wall Street people and once I explained the language to him, he totally got it. There was no formal education there, but his natural knack was off the charts."
  23. College football maintained a tradition of postseason bowl games. Each bowl game would be associated with a particular conference, and earning a spot in a bowl game was the reward for winning a conference. This arrangement was profitable, but it tended to prevent the two top-ranked teams from meeting in a true national championship game, as they would normally be committed to the bowl games of their respective conferences. Several systems have been used since 1992 to determine a national champion of college football. The first was the Bowl Coalition, in place from 1992-94. This was replaced in 1995 by the Bowl Alliance, which gave way in 1997 to the Bowl Championship Series. The BCS arrangement has been controversial, and will be replaced in 2014 by a four-team playoff system
  24. The bottom line is that films of the nineteenth century are deteriorating. Putting internal processes on the side, external factors such as wars and floods could destroy these precious collections permanently. If they can be restored and made accessible to the public then why not take advantage of this extraordinary invention? The fact is that at the risk of sounding technology determinist, there will be a solution to the preservation of film and digital format. Cyberspace is developing exponentially one must place it in the context where it is constant to changes in society. For every different medium there has been an exposure of meeting the demands of the audience. If the demands of the audience are to be met then surely a backup of this success is needed and will be sought i.e. an appropriate storage medium. In the next century, film archives may not exist
  25. HDMI devices are manufactured to adhere to various versions of the specification, in which each version is given a number and / or letter, such as 1.0, 1.2, or 1.4b. Each subsequent version of the specification uses the same kind of cable but increases the bandwidth and / or capabilities of what can be transmitted over the cable. A product listed as having an HDMI version does not necessarily mean that it will have all of the features that are listed for that version, since some HDMI features are optional, such as deep color and xvYCC. Note that with the release of the version 1.4 cable, the HDMI Licensing LLC group will require that any reference to version numbers be removed from all packaging and advertising for the cable. Non-cable HDMI products starting on January 1, 2012 will no longer be allowed to reference the HDMI number and will be required to state which features of the HDMI specification the product supports
  26. On February 20, 2013, Sony announced the PlayStation 4 during a press conference in New York City, and will be released during the final quarter of 2013. The new console places a heavy emphasis on features surrounding social interaction; gameplay videos can be shared via the PlayStation Network and other services, and users can stream games being played by themselves or others. The PS4's DualShock 4 controller is similar to the previous model, but now includes a touchpad and a "Share" button, along with an LED light bar on the front to allow motion tracking. An updated PlayStation Eye camera will be bundled with the system; it now uses 1280×800px stereo cameras with support for depth sensing similar to Kinect, and remains compatible with the PlayStation Move peripherals. The PS4 will also have second screen capabilities through both mobile apps and the PlayStation Vita, and game streaming through the recently-acquired Gaikai service
  27. San Jose was able to have at least one major sports league franchise, the San Jose Sharks of the NHL, and will be home to the San Jose Earthquakes of MLS in 2014, but the city tried to obtain a NBA basketball and Major League Baseball team before. The UFL of American football held the San Jose / California Redwoods team in 2009–10, but has relocated to Sacramento to become the Sacramento Mountain Lions the following year. San Jose was a founding member of both the California League and Pacific Coast Leagues, in minor league baseball, but currently the San Jose Giants of the class-A Cal League under the affiliation of the San Francisco Giants could move to the triple-A level PCL. The independent North American League formerly the Golden Baseball League held an interest in the Santa Clara Valley, most notably to have a team in Santa Clara where the city tried to catch the Giants and Oakland A's, and the NFL San Francisco 49ers in a rejected major league sports stadium proposal